Hold Harmless Agreement Michigan

As a responsible citizen, you likely want to protect yourself in any given situation. This is especially important when it comes to legal matters. One way to do this is through a hold harmless agreement.

What is a hold harmless agreement?

A hold harmless agreement is a legal contract between two or more parties that protects one or all parties from any legal action that may arise from their actions. In essence, it is a way to transfer the risk of liability from one party to another.

How does it work?

Say you own a business and hire a contractor to do some work for you. You want to make sure that if the contractor is injured on the job, they cannot sue you for damages. In this case, you would have the contractor sign a hold harmless agreement. This agreement would state that the contractor agrees to hold you harmless if they are injured on the job.

Likewise, if you are the contractor and you want to protect yourself from any legal action that may arise from the work you are doing, you can have the business owner sign a hold harmless agreement.

Hold harmless agreements also come up in other situations, such as when renting a property or participating in a recreational activity.

The importance of a hold harmless agreement in Michigan

In Michigan, there is no specific law governing hold harmless agreements. However, they are generally enforceable as long as they are clear and unambiguous.

It is important to note that a hold harmless agreement does not protect against intentional or reckless conduct. If one party intentionally causes harm, the hold harmless agreement does not apply.

Additionally, a hold harmless agreement may not protect against all types of claims. For example, if a third party is injured as a result of the actions of the parties involved in the agreement, the agreement may not be enforceable.

To ensure that a hold harmless agreement is valid and enforceable in Michigan, it is recommended that you consult with a knowledgeable attorney.


A hold harmless agreement is a useful tool in protecting yourself from legal action that may arise from your actions or the actions of others. While there is no specific law governing hold harmless agreements in Michigan, they are generally enforceable as long as they are clear and unambiguous. To ensure that a hold harmless agreement is valid and enforceable, it is recommended that you consult with an attorney.